inpystem.restore.LS_CLS module

This module implements regularized least square restoration methods adapted to 3D data.

The two methods it gathers are

  • Cosine Least Square (CLS) algorith,

  • Post-LS Cosine Least Square (Post_LS_CLS) algorithm.

inpystem.restore.LS_CLS.CLS(Y, Lambda, mask=None, PCA_transform=True, PCA_th='auto', init=None, Nit=None, verbose=True)

Cosine Least Square algorithm

The CLS algorithm denoises or reconstructs a multi-band image possibly spatially sub-sampled in the case of spatially sparse content in the DCT basis. It is well adapted to periodic data.

This algorithm solves the folowing optimization problem:

\[\gdef \X {\mathbf{X}} \gdef \Y {\mathbf{Y}} \gdef \H {\mathbf{H}} \gdef \I {\mathcal{I}} \hat{\X} = \underset{\X\in\mathbb{R}^{m \times n \times B}}{\arg\min} \frac{1}{2}||\Y_\I - \X_\I||_\mathrm{F}^2 + \lambda ||\X \Psi||_{2, 1}\]

where \(\mathbf{Y}\) are the corrupted data, \(\mathbf{D}\) is a spatial finite difference operator and \(\mathcal{I}\) is the set of all sampled pixels.

This algorithm can perform a PCA pre-processing operation to estimate:

  • the data subspace basis \(\mathbf{H}\),

  • the subspace dimension \(R\).

This is particularly usefull to reduce the data dimension and the execution time and to impose a data low-rank property.


It is strongly recomended to perform PCA before running the algorithm core. This operation is integrated in this function.

In case this pre-processing step has already been done, set the PCA_transform parameter to False to disable the PCA step included in the SSS function. If PCA_transform is set to False, the PCA_info parameter is required.

  • (m, n, l) numpy array (Y) – A 3D multi-band image.

  • Lambda (float) – Regularization parameter.

  • mask (optional, None, (m, n) numpy array) – A sampling mask which is True if the pixel is sampled. Default is None for full sampling.

  • PCA_transform (optional, bool) – Enables the PCA transformation if True, otherwise, no PCA transformation is processed. Default is True.

  • PCA_th (optional, int, str) – The desired data dimension after dimension reduction. Possible values are ‘auto’ for automatic choice, ‘max’ for maximum value and an int value for user value. Default is ‘auto’.

  • init (optional, None, (m, n, l) numpy array) – The algorithm initialization. Default is None for random initialization.

  • Nit (optional, None, int) – Number of iteration in case of inpainting. If None, the iterations will stop as soon as the functional no longer evolve. Default is None.

  • verbose (optional, bool) – Indicates if information text is desired. Default is True.


  • (m, n, l) numpy array – The reconstructed/denoised multi-band image.

  • dict – A dictionary containing some extra info


Infos in output dictionary:

  • E : In the case of partial reconstruction, the cost function evolution over iterations.

  • Gamma : The array of kept coefficients (order is Fortran-style)

  • nnz_ratio : the ratio Gamma.size/(m*n)

  • H: the basis of the chosen signal subspace

inpystem.restore.LS_CLS.Post_LS_CLS(Y, Lambda, mask=None, PCA_transform=True, PCA_th='auto', init=None, Nit=None, verbose=True)

Post-Lasso CLS algorithm.

This algorithms consists in applying CLS to restore the data and determine the data support in DCT basis. A post-least square optimization is performed to reduce the coefficients bias.

  • (m, n, l) numpy array (Y) – A 3D multi-band image.

  • Lambda (float) – Regularization parameter.

  • mask (optional, None, (m, n) numpy array) – A sampling mask which is True if the pixel is sampled. Default is None for full sampling.

  • PCA_transform (optional, bool) – Enables the PCA transformation if True, otherwise, no PCA transformation is processed. Default is True.

  • PCA_th (optional, int, str) – The desired data dimension after dimension reduction. Possible values are ‘auto’ for automatic choice, ‘max’ for maximum value and an int value for user value. Default is ‘auto’.

  • init (optional, None, (m, n, l) numpy array) – The algorithm initialization. Default is None for random initialization.

  • Nit (optional, None, int) – Number of iteration in case of inpainting. If None, the iterations will stop as soon as the functional no longer evolve. Default is None.

  • verbose (optional, bool) – Indicates if information text is desired. Default is True.


  • (m, n, l) numpy array – The reconstructed/denoised multi-band image.

  • tuple – A 2-tuple whose alements are the CLS and reffitting information dictionaries.


Infos in output dictionary:

  • E_CLS : In the case of partial reconstruction, the cost function evolution over iterations.

  • E_post_ls : In the case of partial reconstruction, the cost function evolution over iterations.

  • Gamma : The array of kept coefficients (order is Fortran-style)

  • nnz_ratio : the ratio Gamma.size/(m*n)

  • H: the basis of the chosen signal subspace