Getting started

In this documentation, we will assume that the reader can write some command line or jupyter python.

Starting inpystem in python

inpystem can be imported in python just as any python package.

>>> import inpystem

In addition to inpystem, the HyperSpy library is required to construct the inpystem objects as some arguments should be HyperSpy data.

>>> import hyperspy.api as hs

Last, note that most of the scientific python applications require libraries such as numpy and matplotlib. It is recommended to import them as well.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

The base: What is a STEM acquisition here ?

A STEM acquisition here is the result of two main informations:

  • The scan pattern which is basically the array of the visited pixels indexes,

  • The data which are the values of the data at the sampled pixels.

Be aware that the inpystem library can handle 2D (e.g. HAADF data) as 3D data (e.g. EELS data). The data that are acquired at a spatial position (or pixel) can then be a single value (for 2D) or a spectrum (for 3D).

The first basic object is the scan

The basic object to understand is the Scan class. This is an object which stores the scan pattern. To create one, the data spatial shape and the path indexes should be given.

>>> shape = (3, 4)  # This is the spatial shape of the data : 3 rows, 4 columns.
>>> path = [ 1,  3,  6,  4,  7, 11,  8,  0]  # These are the sampled pixels indexes.
>>> scan = inpystem.Scan(shape, path)
>>> scan
<Scan, shape: (3, 4), ratio: 0.667>


Note that in this documentation, the matrix indexes are denoted in the rows major order (which is the order chosen in python).

It mean that if the spatial dimensions are (M, N), then the i’th index refers to the pixels which coordinates are (i // N, i % N). In the above example, the first visited pixel is the second pixel of the first line.

Be careful also that python coordinates begin at 0, not 1.

Additionally, the Scan object allows you to select a fraction of the scan pattern. Let us consider a fully sampled acquisition which spatial shape is (M, N), then only 10% of the pixels can be selected by setting the ratio argument to 0.1. This argument can be modified after the object definition.

Thought, be careful in case the acquisition is partially sampled (or example, if only r*M*N pixels were acquired, with r below 1). In such case, if ratio is below r, then only ratio*M*N pixels are kept. If ratio is above r, then all r*M*N pixels are kept.

>>> scan
<Scan, shape: (3, 4), ratio: 0.667>
>>> scan.ratio = 0.8  # Here, we ask for a ratio which is higher than 0.667.
WARNING:root:Input ratio is higher than higher maximal ratio (0.667). Ratio is set to the maximal value.
>>> scan.ratio = 0.5  # Here, the value is correct.
>>> scan
<Scan, shape: (3, 4), ratio: 0.500>

>>> scan = inpystem.Scan(shape, path, ratio=0.5)  # The ratio can be given at initialization.
>>> scan
<Scan, shape: (3, 4), ratio: 0.500>
>>> scan.ratio = 0.667  # But don't worry, the additional visited pixels are not lost.
>>> scan
<Scan, shape: (3, 4), ratio: 0.667>

In fact, the pixels that are given at initialization of scan are not lost when a below ratio is given as the currently visited index are stored in path attribute while the path_0 attribute stores all pixels at initialization.

>>> scan = inpystem.Scan(shape, path, ratio=0.5)  # The ratio can be given at initialization.
>>> scan
<Scan, shape: (3, 4), ratio: 0.500>
>>> scan.path
.. code-block:: python
>>> scan.path_0
array([ 1,  3,  6,  4,  7, 11,  8,  0])
>>> scan.ratio


The Scan object data can be represented with a sampling mask \(\mathbf{M}\) defined as

\[\mathbf{M}_i = \begin{cases} 1, & \text{if pixel \# $i$ is acquired}\\ 0, & \text{otherwise}\\ \end{cases} \]

This representation suffer from information deficiency, but is interesting to study the acquired pixels repartition. This sampling mask which shape is the same as the spatial shape can be obtained using the get_mask() method of Scan. This one can also be plotted using the method plot() (see Data Visualization).

The second basic object is data

Well, data here are nothing else than HyperSpy data. Please refer to its documentation for more info about it.

The result is inpystem data

As explained previously, the inpystem data is the combination of a Scan object and an HyperSpy data. Two classes are proposed to the user:

Both are initialized with a scan pattern and the associated data. Though, the scan pattern is optional as the default scan pattern is raster scan (line-by-line) full sampling.

>>> import hyperspy.api as hs
>>> haadf_hs = hs.load('haadf_data.dm4')
>>> acquisition_1 = inpystem.Stem2D(haadf_hs)  # fully sampled HAADF image.

>>> m, n =
>>> N = int(0.5*m*n)  # The number of pixels to visit.
>>> path = np.random.permutation(m*n)[:N]
>>> scan = inpystem.Scan((m, n), path)
>>> acquisition_2 = inpystem.Stem2D(haadf_hs, scan)  # partially sampled HAADF image.

>>> eels_hs = hs.load('eels_data.dm4')
>>> acquisition_3 = inpystem.Stem3D(eels_hs)  # fully sampled EELS image.

Loading your data is faster

inpystem offers you a way to accelerate the data definition. To that end, inpystem proposes you to setup a data directory (let’s say /my/wonderful/data/dir/) and to put inside your data so that the structure looks like this:

+-- MyData1
|    |
|    +-- ells_data.dm4
|    +-- haadf_data.dm4
|    +-- scan.dm4
|    +-- MyData1.conf
+-- MyData2
     +-- ells_data_2.dm4
     +-- MyData2.conf


The data directory is not set by default. You should use the set_data_path() function to set the path. Then, it can be read with the read_data_path().

>>> inpystem.set_data_path('/my/wonderful/data/dir/')
>>> inpystem.read_data_path()

The data directory contains sub-directories which host:

  • the data files (2D/3D data, scan pattern),

  • the configuration file (such as MyData1.conf in the above tree).

The configuration file has the structure of a .ini file (have a look at this page for an example format) and defines the relative location of data files. This would look like this (be aware that the section names such as 2D DATA is case sensitive while keys such as file are not).

# This is a demo MyData1.conf file

# This section defines all info about 2D data
file = haadf_data.dm4

# This section defines all info about 3D data
File = eels_data.dm4

# This section defines all info about scan pattern
FILE = scan.dm4

This file defines all is necessary to define the inpystem data objects. To load the corresponding data, one should use the load_file() function which loads the data based on the .conf configuration file. Alternatively, inpystem can load the mydata.conf data directly by using the load_key() with the mydata key (as long as mydata.conf is located inside the data directory). The difference between the two functions ? load_file() allows you to load a file which is not in the data directory.

In addition to the configuration file path, the user should specify which data to load with the ndim argument (2 for 2D data and 3 for 3D data).

>>> inpystem.get_data_path()
>>> acquisition = inpystem.load_key('MyData1')
>>> acquisition = inpystem.load_file('/my/wonderful/data/dir/MyData2.conf', ndim=2)

Other arguments (such as the scan pattern ratio) can be passed to the two load function. That will be seen later.


From this point, the examples can be tested directly in the command line as long as the data path is set and that the inpystem example data are downloaded and placed inside the data path. See Some example data for fast testing for more details.

What about restoration ?

Well, everything was loaded and is ready for reconstruction. Lets us consider that your acquisition was partially sampled with a ratio of 0.2. So, to use any reconstruction method, use the restore() method of inpystem objects.

The methods to reconstruct the data include nearest neighbor interpolation, regularized least-square and dictionary learning. Let’s try with an example data (inpystem has three dataset that can be loaded easily, this will be mentioned in).

>>> import inpystem
>>> data = inpystem.load_key('HR-sample', ndim=2, scan_ratio=0.2)  # This loads example data.
Reading configuration file ...
Generating data ...
Creating STEM acquisition...
Correcting STEM acquisition...

>>> data
<Stem2D, title: HR-sample, dimensions: (|113, 63), sampling ratio: 0.20>
>>> reconstructed_data, info = data.restore('interpolation', parameters={'method': 'nearest'})
>>> reconstructed_data
<Signal2D, title: HR-sample, dimensions: (|113, 63)>  # 2D hs data.
>>> info
{'time': 0.012229681015014648}  # Execution time in sec.

Have a look at the reconstructed data which is an HyperSpy data. It means that the reconstructed data can analyzed with HyperSpy tools. Additional information are returned in the info dictionary (for the nearest neighbor method, the only information that is returned is the execution time).

What about axes_manager and metadata informations ?

The initialization of Stem2D or Stem3D objects need an HyperSpy image which stores information about the axes (as the axes_manager attribute) and other general information (as the metadata attribute). These informations are transfered to the reconstructed data.

>>> data.hsdata.metadata
├── General
│   ├── original_filename = spim4-2-df-manualy aligned image.dm4
│   └── title = HR-sample
└── Signal
    ├── Noise_properties
    │   └── Variance_linear_model
    │       ├── gain_factor = 1.0
    │       └── gain_offset = 0.0
    ├── binned = False
    ├── quantity = Intensity
    └── signal_type =
>>> data.hsdata.axes_manager
<Axes manager, axes: (|113, 63)>
            Name |   size |  index |  offset |   scale |  units
================ | ====== | ====== | ======= | ======= | ======
---------------- | ------ | ------ | ------- | ------- | ------
               x |    113 |        |      -0 |       1 |
               y |     63 |        |      -0 |       1 |

>>> reconstructed_data.metadata
├── General
│   ├── original_filename = spim4-2-df-manualy aligned image.dm4
│   └── title = HR-sample
└── Signal
    ├── Noise_properties
    │   └── Variance_linear_model
    │       ├── gain_factor = 1.0
    │       └── gain_offset = 0.0
    ├── binned = False
    ├── quantity = Intensity
    └── signal_type =
>>> reconstructed_data.axes_manager
<Axes manager, axes: (|113, 63)>
            Name |   size |  index |  offset |   scale |  units
================ | ====== | ====== | ======= | ======= | ======
---------------- | ------ | ------ | ------- | ------- | ------
               x |    113 |        |      -0 |       1 |
               y |     63 |        |      -0 |       1 |